Bat Surveys Across Scotland
David Dodds Associates has a dedicated team based in Scotland providing bat surveys throughout the country.
Contact us today for your no-obligation quote!
Carrying out Professional And Effective Bat Surveys Across Scotland For Over 17 Years.
What is a Bat Survey?
If you are planning to build a new development, or renovating, converting or modifying an existing building, you may need to undertake a bat survey.
A bat survey will check for the presence of bats within the building or immediate vicinity (eg trees or outbuildings) and should be undertaken if there is a likelihood that bats are present. It is often needed to obtain planning consent.
Planning Ahead with a Bat Survey
Bats are legally protected s and if you are planning works in existing buildings or new builds, consider that bats hibernate during winter periods and are highly active in the summer months, which is when professional ecologists are at their busiest.
If you are planning work that may require a bat survey it is highly advisable to reach out to us well in advance to allow us to plan your survey and help expedite your planning consent.
Bats in Buildings
Some handy resources to help you identify if you have bats roosting in your property, and what to do if you do.
Should I worry about bats in my property?
Not really. Unlike other species like mice or rats, bats in the UK do very little property damage. Occasionally a large colony may become a nuisance, due to noise or smell and help is available in Scotland from NatureScot (see below).
Note that excluding a bat colony without a license from NatureScot is a criminal offence.
The Bat Conservation Trust is a great place to go for information about bat conservation and how you can get involved in helping to conserve these fascinating and threatened creatures.
Contact our team of ecologists
If you have any questions about bats or other protected species, what to do about organising a survey, or need general information, we welcome your inquiry.
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