Bat Surveys for Renovation and Repair

Bats can roost in a range of spaces and crevices in buildings, and all roosts are protected by law.

If you are planning renovation or repair, it is important to involve a specialist ecologist early in your planning process.

Many repairs will not require planning consent, in these instances bat surveys are required to avoid risk of prosecution. All bats in the UK are threatened and legally protected, as are their roosts.

Even if you are not asked for a bat survey by planners, it is still an offence to disturb a bat roost.

If you are planning work which could impact a bat roost, you are expected to find out if bats may be present before commencing.

If you require planning consent, your Local Planning Authority (LPA) will require a survey if they deem bats could be present.

Bats roost in surprising places, not just attics. They can be found in crevices under loose slates, between bricks, and in cavity walls. A large roost may be clearly visible, but the majority aren’t spotted until identified by a professional survey.

While rural areas tend to have a greater range of bat species, several species can be found in both urban and suburban areas. In 2018-20 we found…

  • 16% of urban buildings surveyed had a bat roost

  • 58% of rural buildings surveyed had a bat roost

Why your surveys are important

Bats play an important role in our ecosystems, consuming huge numbers of insects and potential pests.

They are highly vulnerable, and commissioning a bat survey is an important part of playing your part to protect biodiversity and keeps you safe from possible prosecution.

Bat surveys are seasonal, so if you require a survey reach out to our specialist ecologists as soon as possible!

Our Lastest Blogs

Contact our team of ecologists

If you have any questions about bats or other protected species, what to do about organising a survey, or need general information, we welcome your inquiry.

What Our Clients Say

  • Having worked with David Dodds Associates for a number of years, the service received is excellent and always provides expert ecological advice.

    • Lynne McNeely, Carneil Homes Ltd, Kinross

  • “Montgomery Forgan Associates has worked with David for many years on planning projects for mutual clients. David's work is first class, always delivered on time and is keenly priced. David has a wealth of knowledge on all ecological matters, with a highly valued specialism in bat surveys. Montgomery Forgan Associates would have no hesitation in recommending David to its clients.”

    • David Queripel, Montgomery Forgan Associates, Cupar

  • “We have found David Dodds very helpful in providing us with bat surveys and mitigation proposals.”

    • Niall Braidwood, Ogilvy Chalmers, Haddington

  • “Thank you for your help in doing the survey, and the speed of your response. Charlotte seemed very knowledgable. She was very helpful and happy to respond to our questions! Your report gave us all the answers we needed.”

    • Chris Gunstone, Tyninghame Village Hall Committee, East Lothian

  • “We have worked with David and his team in many projects and he is a real expert in the field. From enquiry, to survey, to receiving the report, they are always professional and provide a high quality service.”

    • Arancha Arnal, Blyth and Bluth Consulting Engineers, Edinburgh

  • “Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has used David Dodds Associates and their services for projects that required their extensive and specialist expertise. David has not only assisted in a prompt and professional manner he also provided a welcomed insight into the world of bat protection, articulating how best to approach situations to ensure SRUC deliver projects whilst the species, environment and landscape remain protected.”

    • Leeanne Price, S.R.U.C., Penicuik

  • “David has routinely provided timely, proactive and helpful advice to assist and enable building fabric projects to progress in a compliant manner and remains my first point of contact for any ecological requirements”.

    • Craig Mattocks, Cademuir Building Consultants, Peebles