Are there bats in your home?

Having bats in your home isn’t a cause for alarm, but if you’re concerned read on!

If you have bats roosting in your house or outbuildings, you’ll usually only see them when they emerge at dusk.

Unlike rodents, bats are largely harmless to property unless in very large numbers. They don’t build nests and they won’t gnaw through cables, wood, wires, or insulation like mice or rats.

Bats in Scotland

Scotland is home to a variety of bat species, all of which weigh just a few grams.

Their diminutive size and ability to find a cosy crevice mean their roosts are not always visible, even from within attic spaces and roof voids.

Bats will climb through very small gaps and are often found roosting in:

  • Lofts and attic spaces

  • Cellars

  • Under lead flashing

  • Window sills

  • Between roof tiles

  • Above soffits

  • Between fascias

  • In cavity walls

  • Under gables

  • In eaves

Top 3 Signs there are Bats in your Property

It’s often difficult to identify bats in your home or where they are roosting, and you may not see any signs of bats at all even if you have several bats roosting on your property! In summer, you may see bats leaving roosts and feeding in your garden. Bats feeding in and around your home may have travelled significant distances, so seeing bats flying isn’t confirmation that you have bats roosting.

Some sure signs you have a bat roost include:

#1 Bat Droppings

One sure way to detect bats is through their droppings. Bat droppings look similar to mouse droppings, but they crumble under pressure (rodent droppings dry hard). You may see them building up on windows, walls, sills, around gable ends, around chimneys, and under the ridge of a roof void if a colony is roosting there.

#2 Bat Chattering

While we rarely hear bats communicating or echolocating (this happens outside our hearing range), you may hear a high pitched squeaking and scratching sound. This ‘chattering’ is most often heard before they fly out to feed, and can be particularly noticeable during summer when babies call out to their mothers as they return at dawn.

#3 Spotting Emerging Bats

You can carry out your very own emergence survey to identify bats in your property. Watch your house or building at dusk in the summer months and look for bats leaving their roost to forage. Bats may also be visible on the ridge beams inside a roof void where they will rest before flying off.

Do you need a professional bat survey?

For every easy-to-spot roost, there are many more which are harder to find. Colonies can use dozens (or hundreds) or roosts, and these can be as small as a single male pipistrelle in their solo summer roost. Some bat species only emerge when it’s completely dark and these roosts need specialist equipment and knowledge to spot and identify. 

Every bat roost is protected by law, so if in doubt get in touch with our specialist ecologists and we will guide you every step of the way!

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Contact our team of ecologists

If you have any questions about bats or other protected species, what to do about organising a survey, or need general information, we welcome your inquiry.

What Our Clients Say

  • Having worked with David Dodds Associates for a number of years, the service received is excellent and always provides expert ecological advice.

    • Lynne McNeely, Carneil Homes Ltd, Kinross

  • “Montgomery Forgan Associates has worked with David for many years on planning projects for mutual clients. David's work is first class, always delivered on time and is keenly priced. David has a wealth of knowledge on all ecological matters, with a highly valued specialism in bat surveys. Montgomery Forgan Associates would have no hesitation in recommending David to its clients.”

    • David Queripel, Montgomery Forgan Associates, Cupar

  • “We have found David Dodds very helpful in providing us with bat surveys and mitigation proposals.”

    • Niall Braidwood, Ogilvy Chalmers, Haddington

  • “Thank you for your help in doing the survey, and the speed of your response. Charlotte seemed very knowledgable. She was very helpful and happy to respond to our questions! Your report gave us all the answers we needed.”

    • Chris Gunstone, Tyninghame Village Hall Committee, East Lothian

  • “We have worked with David and his team in many projects and he is a real expert in the field. From enquiry, to survey, to receiving the report, they are always professional and provide a high quality service.”

    • Arancha Arnal, Blyth and Bluth Consulting Engineers, Edinburgh

  • “Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has used David Dodds Associates and their services for projects that required their extensive and specialist expertise. David has not only assisted in a prompt and professional manner he also provided a welcomed insight into the world of bat protection, articulating how best to approach situations to ensure SRUC deliver projects whilst the species, environment and landscape remain protected.”

    • Leeanne Price, S.R.U.C., Penicuik

  • “David has routinely provided timely, proactive and helpful advice to assist and enable building fabric projects to progress in a compliant manner and remains my first point of contact for any ecological requirements”.

    • Craig Mattocks, Cademuir Building Consultants, Peebles