Bats and
Larger Developments
On larger development sites, local authorities must assess if the favourable conservation status of bats could be impacted, and they will require bat surveys to find out.
Local authorities in Scotland are required to consider protected species - including bats - in determining applications.
Bats and Larger Developments
On larger development sites they must assess if the favourable conservation status of bats could be impacted and will require bat surveys to be carried out.
The planning authority needs to know if bats are using the site for roosting, hunting, or commuting routes, and if so are they likely to be impacted by the proposed work.
In some cases you may need an Ecological Impact Assessment, and bat surveys will form part of the information gathered to complete the assessment.
Depending on what is already present on the site, the necessary work may include:
Stage 1 and 2 bat surveys of any buildings present.
Assessment of any trees present for roosting bats.
Climbed inspection of possible tree roosts.
Activity surveys to assess commuting and hunting by bats on site.
Monitoring to assess species present on site and changes in activity.
Assessment of any structures on site for their potential to be used by hibernating bats.
Survey work for larger development sites is seasonal
Whilst some of the work listed above can be done at any time of year (and tree assessments are better done in winter with no foliage present), much of the survey effort must take place in the warmer months and may take several months to complete. Forward planning is essential to give accurate timelines and prevent last minute delays and associated costs.
We always recommend an informal discussion with one of our specialist ecologists as early as possible in the life of a project.
By engaging an ecologist early in the planning process, you ensure seasonal survey work is included in your project plan from the outset. We have many years experience of carrying out bat surveys at many different types of development site, and are always happy to help at any stage.
Contact our team of ecologists
If you have any questions about bats or other protected species, what to do about organising a survey, or need general information, we welcome your inquiry.
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