Bat Surveys for Planning.

Your local authority is required to consider bats (and other protected species) in every application they receive.

Read on to find out what happens if they tell a survey is needed.

Local authorities in Scotland will assess if bats (or other species) could be roosting on your property.

Where the answer is “yes”, you will need a bat survey to find out.

In most cases they won’t grant planning consent with a condition that a bat survey be done: the survey must be done before consent can be granted.

Bat surveys are a two-part process:

▶ Stage 1 - A Preliminary Roost Assessment, or PRA

This is a visual inspection, carried out in daylight at any time of year. This will also include an assessment of the surrounding habitat. Sometimes we will find a bat roost (or bats themselves), but the aim of this survey is to establish if you need a stage 2 survey…

Stage 2 - Bat Activity Surveys

These surveys take place at night, using ultrasound bat detectors and infrared cameras to identify active bat roosts. In Scotland, these must be carried out between 1st May and 30th September, with at least one visit before 31st August.

Read more about urban bat surveys.

Waiting for the planning authority to ask for bat surveys can lead to delays.

If you may need planning consent for an upcoming project, it’s always worth speaking to our specialist team as soon as possible.

Bats in Trees

If you are planning on removing branches from or felling a mature tree, you should reach out for a bat survey just as you would with a building.

Contact our team today for help with a tree survey.

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Contact our team of ecologists

If you have any questions about bats or other protected species, what to do about organising a survey, or need general information, we welcome your inquiry.

What Our Clients Say

  • Having worked with David Dodds Associates for a number of years, the service received is excellent and always provides expert ecological advice.

    • Lynne McNeely, Carneil Homes Ltd, Kinross

  • “Montgomery Forgan Associates has worked with David for many years on planning projects for mutual clients. David's work is first class, always delivered on time and is keenly priced. David has a wealth of knowledge on all ecological matters, with a highly valued specialism in bat surveys. Montgomery Forgan Associates would have no hesitation in recommending David to its clients.”

    • David Queripel, Montgomery Forgan Associates, Cupar

  • “We have found David Dodds very helpful in providing us with bat surveys and mitigation proposals.”

    • Niall Braidwood, Ogilvy Chalmers, Haddington

  • “Thank you for your help in doing the survey, and the speed of your response. Charlotte seemed very knowledgable. She was very helpful and happy to respond to our questions! Your report gave us all the answers we needed.”

    • Chris Gunstone, Tyninghame Village Hall Committee, East Lothian

  • “We have worked with David and his team in many projects and he is a real expert in the field. From enquiry, to survey, to receiving the report, they are always professional and provide a high quality service.”

    • Arancha Arnal, Blyth and Bluth Consulting Engineers, Edinburgh

  • “Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has used David Dodds Associates and their services for projects that required their extensive and specialist expertise. David has not only assisted in a prompt and professional manner he also provided a welcomed insight into the world of bat protection, articulating how best to approach situations to ensure SRUC deliver projects whilst the species, environment and landscape remain protected.”

    • Leeanne Price, S.R.U.C., Penicuik

  • “David has routinely provided timely, proactive and helpful advice to assist and enable building fabric projects to progress in a compliant manner and remains my first point of contact for any ecological requirements”.

    • Craig Mattocks, Cademuir Building Consultants, Peebles