Advice for Architects and Developers
We can help you support your clients throughout your project together.
When undertaking any building, ground clearance or development work, you should check if bats (or other protected species) are present.
An essential first step for all projects is to get an ecological assessment of the site from a suitably qualified ecological consultant, ideally a licensed specialist in bats.
What will an ecologist do for you and your client?
Depending on the type and location of the site, the habitats on site and in the surrounding area, your bat specialist ecologist may carry out some or all of the following actions:
Undertake a bat survey and produce a report of findings, including if bats were found and the details of species and roost types present, and where roosts are present, a mitigation plan or method statement detailing works that may impact bats and how they can be mitigated.
Preparing the bat survey report and mitigation plan or method statement as needed to support a planning application.
Apply for a protected species licence to permit the proposed plan to be implemented.
Supervise the implementation of the mitigation plan and any other required working methods detailed in the method and licence.
Check and sign off the mitigation plan when completed.
Liaise with NatureScot’s licensing team and the Local Planning Authority, as necessary monitor the site after works are completed to check the response of the bat population.
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Contact our team of ecologists
If you have any questions about bats or other protected species, what to do about organising a survey, or need general information, we welcome your inquiry.
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