How do bats choose roosts in urban areas?
Understanding how bats choose where to roost is where we start with your bat surveys. This blog is a basic overview, so if you think you might have bats roosting and they’ll be impacted by a renovation or development, get in touch with us today.

Getting Help with a Problem Bat Roost
If you are currently having problems with a bat roost, please get in touch with us on our website. If you have a bat in your home or have found a grounded bat, please reach out to the National Bat Helpline through the Bat Conservation Trust.

Hair-Raising Bat Myths: What If It Gets in My Hair?!
Have you ever been worried about a bat getting in your hair? Well, we’re here to reassure you that is extremely unlikely to happen!

Are Vampire bats real?
Another blog, another bat myth busted. This time, vampire bats - are they real? And if so are you likely to encounter one?

From Flappy Mouse to Bat: A Linguistic Journey
Why are bats called bats? Take a look at the etymology behind ‘bat’, and the entertaining names for bats in other languages.

How do bats choose their roosts?
Understanding how and where bats choose to roost is crucial for both development and renovation projects and for conservation efforts. The 10 bat species recorded in Scotland all have their own preferences for roosting sites, shaped by their ecological niche, physical adaptations and the balance of conditions needed for their survival and reproduction.

Why can’t you just clear out the bats?
If you’ve searched “get rid of a bat roost” or a similar phrase, you may have come across resources from North America about the logistics of removing bats from your home - in the UK it’s a little bit different.

4 Bat Survey Questions Asked and Answered
The last thing you want when you’re planning a renovation or development project is an unexpected delay or cost. To make sure you’re not caught out, here are your top 5 bat survey questions asked and answered!