Which Types of Building Will Have Bat Roosts?

We often get asked broad questions about where bats choose to roost, and unfortunately, the only answer we can give without more specific information is “it depends!”.

If you’re wondering if you have bats in your property and they might impact your proposed development or renovation project, you can contact us for advice or a no obligation quote here. Our specialist team have spent over 18 years supporting home owners, architects, construction teams, and developers to successfully complete their projects when bats are present.

For now, let’s take a look at some guiding principles that can help us determine if a property may be suitable for bats…

Building Age

An older house surrounded by forests and other rich feeding grounds is likely to have more opportunities for bats to roost, and may attract a wider variety of bat species.

Most of the 10 bat species recorded in Scotland will use buildings to roost at some point, with many using a variety of building features at different times of year or life stages. Older buildings often offer a wider variety of roosting opportunities with several features that make for great roosting opportunities:

  • Loose or hanging tiles: These can provide a perfect shelter for crevice roosting bats, or give access to other cavities and larger crevices.

  • Gaps in boarding, masonry and other edges: These gaps can provide access to cavity walls and other spaces.

  • Roof spaces: Large, open attic spaces are preferred by some species and are much more common in older buildings.

More modern buildings can still provide roosting opportunities, so a new building may still need bat surveys before being renovated or demolished. If a building has suitable sheltered crevices or cavities, with stable temperature and humidity for the roost type a bat isn’t going to check the deeds for the building’s age!

If in doubt, reach out to our specialist team for advice!

Building Surroundings

A new build home will have suitable crevices for a bat to roost in, but if the development is far from suitable feeding habitats these crevices are less likely to be used by bats.

The area around your property will also influence the bats that may choose to roost. The habitats and landscape features will influence the prey availability, commuting routes, protection from predation, light pollution, and water availability.

If your property has a perfect potential roost but no suitable habitats nearby the bats are unlikely to find your property and call it home!

Seasonal Roosting Habits

All bats use a mixture of roosts throughout the year, with their needs and preferences changing with the seasons.

In summer, females find warmer roosting opportunities to rear their pups. Maternity roosts need to have a stable, warm environment heated either by the sun or human features like boilers. In winter, bats seek cool humid structures to hibernate. The cool temperatures allow them to lower their body temperatures and conserve energy in the colder months when fewer insects are flying.

As well as these two really specialist roosts, bats will move between intermediate roosts, breeding roosts, and small summer roosts used by males. You may have a solitary male roosting in your home every summer and never know, as these roosts can be as small as a gap under a slightly moved slate!

If you need a bat survey (or think you might) get in touch with our team of specialist ecologists!

Or read more of our latest blogs:


Getting Help with a Problem Bat Roost


How do you get a licence for a bat roost?