What is a conditioned bat survey?
Seonaidh Jamieson Seonaidh Jamieson

What is a conditioned bat survey?

In 2006, the Scottish Executive issued a directive to local planning authorities, outlining the illegality of granting planning consent at sites requiring bat surveys before those surveys were completed. This led to a widespread halt in issuing such consents.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift, with local authorities increasingly issuing planning consents conditioned on the completion of bat surveys.

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Bats in Buildings
Seonaidh Jamieson Seonaidh Jamieson

Bats in Buildings

Scotland is home to ten species of bat, and many of these choose to roost in buildings at least part of the time. Each species has its own preferences, from the habitats they frequent to the insects they hunt and the types of buildings and structures they like to use for roosting.

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Bat Survey FAQs - Part 2
Seonaidh Jamieson Seonaidh Jamieson

Bat Survey FAQs - Part 2

Here’s the next instalment of our Bat Survey FAQs! If you’ve got a question we haven’t answered you can contact us anytime and we will be happy to help you out!

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Bat Survey FAQs: Part 1
Seonaidh Jamieson Seonaidh Jamieson

Bat Survey FAQs: Part 1

No matter what kind of property you are developing or renovating, there are several questions we get time and time again. To help your proposed works go smoothly, here’s the answer to five of our most asked questions…

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What will your bat survey find?
Seonaidh Jamieson Seonaidh Jamieson

What will your bat survey find?

To help you prepare for your survey findings we’ve looked at our previous surveys at 133 sites, split into rural and urban/suburban locations. Let’s start by looking at the surveys you might need…

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10 Ways to avoid bat survey problems in your development
Seonaidh Jamieson Seonaidh Jamieson

10 Ways to avoid bat survey problems in your development

We are often asked to help people who have found themselves in difficulties with planning or licensing their development, but the best way we can support you is making sure you don’t have problems from the beginning!

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